About Aishwariyaa Ramakanthan
Aishwariyaa Ramakanthan is a South Asian Indian whose grandparents migrated from India to Malaya in the early 1900s. Born and raised in Singapore and Malaysia, she holds a Bachelor's degree in English from the National University of Singapore and a post-graduate diploma in Education from the Institute of Education, Singapore. She obtained her Masters in History from the University of San Diego, California. She is an English and Social Studies teacher by profession.
Aishwariyaa's Recent Novel
Set in Singapore, this is a story of a mother and her sons, of power, wealth, betrayal and ultimate redemption.
This is a tale about Rose, her relentless pursuit of success and money and the price that she pays for it.
The enormous wealth that she accumulates loses its meaning for her when disillusionment with her failed marriages and guilt about her own perceived failure as a parent torment her. She eventually gains wisdom and peace through two unlikely women, connected to her past.

Beyond The Shores Of Home
“Your future lies beyond these shores…” said a wizened old fortune teller to Madison Blue, the delinquent and illegitimate daughter of an alcoholic mother. At that point when the woman had told Blue this, even traveling out of the trailer park where she lived was something that she could neither afford nor even imagine. And yet she would travel all the way to Malaysia and then to India to assuage deeply ingrained differences within a family that she would discover to be her own and reconnect a circle that was broken generations ago by a flighty young girl not unlike her.

Featured Article
“Fleeing To Uncertainty” was recently published in BiblioAsia, a National Library of Singapore publication. It is the true story of my father and his family’s harrowing flight to safety during the Japanese occupation of Malaya.
Featured Web Serial
Featured Online Story
A series of fifteen episodes of my father’s life and times during the Japanese Occupation of Malaya was so well received on Facebook that I have decided to create a web serial of those posts here.
Baba is a short story from my collection of Sepia Stills. As the title
suggests, Sepia Stills, is a collection of stories based on a character’s
journey into the past to rediscover the warmth and joy of an old friendship or
relationship of some sort. Baba is one such journey with a pleasant surprise.